Quality, Environment, Safety, Health Management Policies
Quality Management Policies
Enhance the customer values by cherishing even the customer’s potential needs and by actively reflecting them on the products.
02Sticking to the Basics
We comply with the Rules and the Processes because the quality is our conscience and is not an object of compromise.
03Professional Mindset
We practice the Principle of Responsibility that the quality is to be completed in our hands through a sense of quality pursuing zero defects.
Environment Management Policies
Doosung Tech Co., Ltd. has practiced continuous environment protection and green product production to become a pioneer of the Green Management Enterprise through corporate activities that respect humans and nature. Accordingly, we intend to be an enterprise that leads the growth of a sustainable society by recognizing safety and health as primary factors of the Company management and actively reflecting them in all domestic and overseas management activities.
- All corporations shall comply with the nation’s environmental regulations and the customer requirements of the areas concerned and establish and strictly manage the in-house ecological criteria.
- We shall make continuous improvement activities to reduce the emission of environmental pollutants over the whole process, from the design and development of the products to their use and disuse.
- We shall efficiently use energy resources, minimize waste, and make resource-saving a part of our ordinary life through recycling, reuse, or reutilization.
- We shall establish an objective to achieve an environment management performance and its detailed goals and then practice them.
- We shall have the workers understand the best work method for the environment through education and training and share them with the interested parties.
Conflict Minerals
The Democratic Republic of the Congo in Central Africa has suffered a conflict lately for mineral resources.Armed forces located in the eastern part of Congo committed murder, rape, etc., without hesitation in order to dominate the mines, and even in the course of the mining, human rights were infringed due to child labor and forced labor, etc.Under the situation where an international concern about this has been raised, the United States of America effectuated the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act in July 2010.According to Article 1502 of the above-mentioned bill, the United States of America prescribed that the listed companies within the USA shall clarify the information about the country of origin at the time of submitting an annual report when they intend to include the conflict minerals (tantalum, tin, tungsten, gold, or minerals that have been designated as a mineral that contribute to the conflicts in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the neighboring countries) within their products.This intends to prevent any violence and exploitation in the conflict areas by disclosing the companies that use the minerals of this area.According to a subordinate law announced in August 2012, it prescribes that the listed companies in the USA shall submit a report about using the conflict minerals from the fiscal year of 2013.

Doosung Tech’s Perspectives About the Conflict Minerals
Doosung Tech will make an active effort for the conflict minerals that are an international issue as follows:
We established a business process of the conflict minerals in order to comply with the laws by applying the international criteria that regulates the conflict minerals.
We have executed use status investigations of the conflict minerals for the domestic and overseas subcontractors by using a Usage Report Questionnaire of the Conflict Minerals (CMRT) that EICC-GeSI provides. Through this, we will investigate whether they use the conflict minerals such as tin, tantalum, tungsten, and gold that are used for the products of our company.
We will make an effort to make sure that these policies can be expanded, by receiving a “Declaration of the Compliance with the Non-use of the Minerals Produced in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Neighboring Conflict Areas.”
Doosung Tech requires all the subcontractors to strictly comply with our company’s conflict minerals management policies.
The subcontractors shall try to grasp all the refineries that purchased the conflict minerals within the Supply Chain and submit the materials about the conflict minerals in a timely manner upon request.
Where a subcontractor provides different information about the Supply Chain of the conflict minerals, or where the Supply Chain of a subcontractor is uncertain, Doosung Tech may suspend a business with the subcontractor.
Safety and Health Management Policies
Doosung Tech Co., Ltd. will establish safety and health management policies and practice them to minimize possible safety and health accidents and to improve them continuously with the aim of “compliance with the safety and health regulations and the respect of life” by complying with the Safety and Health Process that has been established according to the Essential Code of K-OHSMS18001 so that all the employees can concentrate on creating the future values in relief.
- All the executives and employees shall grasp the effects of risks, establish a preventive program (removal, replacement, technological management, etc.) accordingly, and then implement it to build up a risk evaluation system for each process.
- The Company and all the executives and employees shall establish / understand the practicable safety and health management objectives, document them so they can practice their roles and responsibilities, and continually implement the education and training.
- The Company and all the executives and employees shall accept the requirements of all the interested parties to ensure transparency in executing the safety and health policies.
- CEO of Doosung Tech Co., Ltd.